Sign the open letter to protect content creators

Raptive Raptive

As Hollywood writers and actors strike for better protections against AI and Google and OpenAI face high-profile lawsuits, we’re getting more insight into how AI is rapidly changing our social, cultural, and economic landscapes. 

But there’s one group missing from the headlines: the content creators who power the open web. These creators shape our everyday lives through their work; it influences our kitchen renovations, holiday dinners, birthday parties, summer vacation itineraries, and shopping lists. 

Content creators aren’t protected by a union, and they stand to lose if AI goes unchecked. AI isn’t just scraping content. It learns from that content, then generates a low-quality version to show audiences—all without consent, acknowledgment, or compensation for the original creator.

Raptive represents the largest collective group of content creators on the open web, covering every category from food to finance. A preliminary analysis based on public data shows that nearly all of Raptive’s 4600+ sites were utilized for training generative AI systems without their consent. Roughly a third of creators food-lifestyle site data present in popular datasets such as CommonCrawl is sourced directly from Raptive creators–and this is only one example. Raptive’s creators span Food, Family, Home, Lifestyle, Travel, Technology, Finance, and more.

These content creators are entrepreneurs and small businesses who are already seeing the impact AI can have on their livelihoods. We cannot afford to ‘wait and see’ what happens next with AI; we must take immediate action to protect content creators. 

Visit to read the open letter and sign your name.

The open letter is part of Raptive’s ongoing efforts to protect and empower creators through the historic changes brought on by AI